How to do Teletalk Balance Transfer

How to do Teletalk Balance Transfer: Find out how to transfer balance Teletalk to Teletalk. If you have no idea about the balance transfer rule, you may find it right here. Now life can be easier, as a result of Teletalk has present Balance transfer code service! This excellent rule is mentioned in the additional Teletalk Balance Transfer System below.

teletalk balance transfer system

Teletalk Balance Transfer System

To make your life a lot simpler, Teletalk introduces a new Balance Transfer service! Now you’ll be able to easily transfer your credit score to your family and friends who use Teletalk, anytime you need.

Additionally, for the first time in Bangladesh, Teletalk Prepaid subscribers can request for balance to any Teletalk mobile number.

Check – Teletalk Balance Check

Balance Transfer Teletalk Terms & Conditions

Subscribers can avail of Teletalk Balance Transfer service through the use of shortcode 124 PinAmount Reciever’s mobile number#.  Details of the Teletalk Balance Transfer service are given below:

  • All Prepaid customers are eligible to enjoy this balance transfer service Teletalk.
  • USSD for balance Transfer service of Teletalk is  *124*pin*Amount*MSISDN#  (Default pin is 1234 or 12345678 ).
  • Minimum BDT 10 and Most BDT 50 could be transferred in a single transaction.
  • Balance transfer service is barely allowed for Teletalk prepaid to prepaid numbers.
  • Daily most transfer limit BDT 500
  • Daily most transfer times: 10 Times
  • Monthly most transfer amount BDT 1000

Check – Teletalk Emergency Balance

Final Word

If you Transfer your balance to your friends and family members using the Teletalk balance transfer system, make it very easy now, anytime. When you have any questions about the Teletalk balance transfer system, please tell us. We should reply to this question.